Holumina Breathwork is a style of connected breathwork journeying that uses energetic transmutation in a ceremonial context to facilitate a deeply transformative experience.

Holumina Breathwork uses a ‘conscious connected breathing’ technique to guide the breather into a safe, non-ordinary state of consciousness for an extended period of time (usually 1 hour) to access and liberate stored emotional, physical, mental and energetic pain, supporting the breather into their highest life path.

At a scientific level, this breathwork helps the breather temporarily lower their CO2 levels and guide their brain’s Default Mode Network (DMN) offline, to work with aspects of themselves they may not have access to in their ordinary waking state. In this state the breather can clear stuck emotions, release physical tension, heal trauma loops, and connect to inner wisdom.

At an energetic level, Holumina Breathwork uses breath as a sacred medicine to open the doorway to ‘energetic transmutation’, locating the breather’s pain and limitation and transmuting it with the energy of love.

Rather than solely being a relaxing or feel-good experience, Holumina Breathwork specifically focuses on guiding the breather’s pain to fully transmute and release, allowing them to move forward on their highest path.

The name Holumina stands for ‘whole light being’, signifying the possibility that this pathway holds for each of us.


Holumina Breathwork stems from the modern lineage of the ‘conscious connected breathing’ technique popularized by Dr. Stanislov Grof and by Leonard Orr in the 1960’s, which eventually branched into many different schools of connected breathwork.

Holumina Breathwork specifically was developed through trainings in trauma-informed schools of this connected breathwork and training in the ancient healing tradition of entering non-ordinary states to locate and transmute disharmonious energy in the human vessel.


Holumina Breathwork was created by Victoria Bauman as a natural extension of her 8+ years as a facilitator of human transformation using breath.

Having trained in several modalities of ‘connected breathwork’ and working with it for many years, Victoria eventually brought this breathwork into a ceremonial context. She wove her training in the physicality and science of breathwork with the sacred process of energetic transmutation that she learned from working in a traditional healing space.

Victoria eventually gave Holumina Breathwork its own name for the sake of acknowledging its integrity-focused, ceremonial pathway of healing.

Victoria holds a B.A. in Community Development from McGill University, is a certified BY Coach, a certified Breathwork Facilitator, a certified Breathing Behaviour Analyst from the Professional School of Breathing Sciences, and has 8+ years experience holding space in private sessions and group workshops.

Victoria is driven by the possibility of all humans enjoying their experience of life on our beautiful earth.